Friday 6 July 2007

Rem Eight Things!

Friday 11:20 p.m.
Here's 8 fings about moi! Tagged by an Alien Creature from Outer Space to reveal eight things about moi which you do not know.

I know everything about you, Hotboy! Just keep it to yourself, Jack!

1) I'm completely teetotal! There's another guy who looks just like me. Boy, does he have a good time!

2) I'd like eighteen hundred similar offenses taken into account if I'm found guilty. Otherwise, it's nothing to do with me, man, as usual.

3) I look much younger than my real age (15 billion years) because I do not sin. That other guy is in a photie in the bottom drawer. Dearie me! What a state!

4) Someone once asked me what I was going to become and I said I was going to be moi. Not moi the bank manager, or something like that. Just moi. Unadulterated moi!

5) I've never sat on a horse so I can't be John Wayne.
6) I'd like to start my acceptance speech with something like: "The Hotboy Escort Agency is now open for business!"
7) I've already seen God so what else is out there?
8) Whoever you are, I've always relied on the kindness of strangers ... all time great finishing line. Someone wrote after it.... but I've never supported Glasgow Rangers. I was a hun when I was seven because I never understood not supporting the winning team. Whatever happened to that?

Hmmm? It's a sin to waste your time, so it is!


Anonymous said...

Are you sure you're being entirely truthful, HB? Jesus watches and knows every sin you commit, you know, and every one makes him cry.


Hotboy said...

Ion: Buckets have been shed. Now I shall go forth and sin no more! Hotboy