Wednesday 25 July 2007

Ra Samye Day 3!

Wednesday 9:23 a.m.
What a good start to the day! First of all, I got out of the tent with my trousers on the right way. Then the first person I bumped into as I stumblebummed to the bog and shower was Teresa, my favourite nun. What a great smile she gave me. Really cheered me up. Yesterday the lama nodded at me on the steps of the temple. I think he does know who I am!

The new tent is brilliant. It's designed to confuse midgies and sends them all in the wrong direction. The last time I was camping here I had to kill millions of them before I could go to sleep, which can't be good for a vegetarian, even if you don't eat them afterwards.

Capn Jambo asked for the url for this bloggy, so hello, Capn Jambo and I hope them nuclear missiles surrounding you in Louisianna don't get you!

I'm feeling quite exhilerated. Two and a half hours gong bashing starts right after this and then anything is possible. I had so much easy access to ra bliss during my first hour this morning with the lama.... meditating in the temple with the lama is great. Nobody knows more about meditating than that guy, unless it's his big brother. What a truly fortunate creature I am to be here!

Before I departed the realm of the flatheids, I got an email from the man of great taste and perspicacity .... some publisher got a "very positive" report from a reader about my novel. Just when I'd given up. Unfortunately, sometimes I think about it and hope, which is totally uncool. Wouldn't it be wonderful to get a yes about that before I had to go back to my jobbie? Of course, I shouldn't care. And it is difficult to tell the difference between good and bad fortune.

May all sentient beings be happy and may all flatheids start meditating! This will surely be a wonderful day!

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