Tuesday 17 July 2007

Ra Falling Down Again!

Tuesday 7:50 p.m.
The joe with the very, very bad cough might not be coming around this way too often from now on in. So with his arising, abiding, and declining .... I got pissed with him. How else could I speak to this joe, who is my deep dear friend? So I have to start once more from day one. Eight days off and one day on. But, oh, he was worth it! I gave my sobriety to him, the year without bevvying, etc. He told me so many glorious things which without the sitting and drinking I would not have heard.

I could not explain to him about ra bliss. Flatheids don't get ra bliss. But he has got four million somethings. Dollars, pounds! I did not mention ten percent off the top. It would be a small amount, a soup ..... it sings to me! Soup son, con? Anyway, he has stared death in the face and is on the mandala down to the right, my deep dear friend who cannot breath too well. I will be able to imagine him there when he goes back to Oz.

11:55 p.m.
The sole member and single representative of the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid visited a mosque today. I'd never been in one before. Ecumenicism, ya bass! We got shown around by a woman who was reassuringly dressed up a bit like a nun. They had clocks on the wall to tell you when to pray. It seems you've got to pray in the middle of the night. I was dead impressed. Also, there weren't many chairs. Much healthier for the hips, knees and ankles, the weight bearing joints. The woman who was dressed up a bit like a nun seemed happy and was a good advert for this religion, but I suspect that she did not get any of ra bliss. This just pisses me off. I'm a complete disgrace compared to a josephine like that. Her yamas will be spot on. Now that I have sobered up, I will go off and wallow some in ra bliss. At least, I got something right.


Anonymous said...

I say!

It couldn't last.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Oh, ye of little faith! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I've been in America too long - when you said you got pissed (slightly drunk) with him, I took it to mean pissed off, which is what Americans mean when they say "pissed."

I'm a disgrace to the idyllic village of Maryhill.

rob said...

Did I de and rematerialise and transhemispherise without noticing? Sometimes I surprise even myself. There's no hangover at this end, what was I on? And who bought the last round?

ion said...

The problem with the 12-step program is that you're only as good as your number of days sober. One should get credit for sober days achieved too, as a running total, and intensity of bliss achieved between times.

Hotboy said...

Ion: Don't know about this 12 step stuff! But sometimes it seems that there's nothing else you can do but revert to type. The steps leading to Standing Order were the wonky ones! Hotboy