Monday 2 July 2007

Ra First Day of My Holidays!

Monday 1:23 p.m.
Imagine the reluctance as I took the coarse body up to Tollcross on Saturday night to binge with the McDucks. Froggy was on a quick visit home from the Mediterranean rat town wherein he now resides. Skinny had been lifted by the polis in Bellshill and had spent the previous night in the cells. Welcome to the club! Skinny thanked me for telling him how to meditate as it seems to have come in handy once he's sobered up enough and had run out of Irish rebel songs with which to regale the polis.

The woman who sells the Sunday papers downstairs at the corner saw me as I stumblebummed my way home when it was already light. I came to about eleven and had hardly time to check that I still had all my fingers and toes when I discovered Brian Wilson ... smoking two fags simultaneously and with the half chewed pig's face sticking out of the side pocket of the white linen jacket ... waiting for me in the kitchen. There was a creekit match going to happen at the Grange Cricket Ground, which you can see out of the kitchen window. I took two panadol, necked a cannybliss yogurt and headed once more into the breach, dear friends!

The view from the picturesque wooden pavilion ... as you look down passed the seats and out into the ground itself .... was very impressive. Not like the middle of a city at all. You can hardly see anything other than grass and trees. No one playing cricket fortunately due to the driving rain. The game was cancelled. The bar was open. You're probably not supposed to be in that area unless you are a member. After about four pints and five gin and tonics, I spoke to the club secretary on Brian's behalf. Though dressed as usual by the underclass, flatheids don't intimidate me much, even ones in flannels and a blazer, with a posh English accent. Brian is now a social member which means he can go there and binge with the evil bourgeois any time he likes. But we stopped bingeing about seven o clock in the evening, so I'm alright, more or less, today.

I had a very nice email from someone who wanted to follow the other blog to here. A tim from Bellshill who now lives in Spango and teaches yoga. She'd downloaded all the stuff from my webpage and liked the Buddha and the Big Bad Wolf the best. She likes the stuff in the blog about the juju. So there is now one more! Hello there, Michelle!

Feeling just a little doomed for a moment yesterday morning, I left the Dom Bliss to engage with Brian Wilson and got to close my eyes for a second or two. And the bliss just arose, or rather the sheath in which the bliss gambols arose. This was most re-assuring. Someday the sheath might just stay there and the bliss will be accessible twenty four seven. What a fortunate creature I will be then!

The weather is really bogging. Overcast then drenching. Not a day for the allotment, so I'll just go back to the lobby.

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