Tuesday 3 July 2007

Ra Second Day!

Tuesday 1:30 p.m.
So I ended up sitting in the hut yesterday afternoon anyway. Someone came home. I'm sitting there and the rain is falling in grey sheets, the air inside the hut is thick and wet, and I'm wondering what the weather might be like in Afghanistan. There are about 60 opium poppies now growing in my allotment. In nearby allotments, there are some opium poppies, but I have got more than anyone else since my fellow allotmenteeers are flatheids, and do not spend their time sitting in their huts, and therefore do not grow such good weeds.

Say you accidentally nicked a seed pod with a sharp knife on passing. Later on, there was some black sticky stuff coming out and you licked it. Can you get arrested for that? Some people talk to their plants and they do not get arrested. Licking them is just a wee bit more touchy feely. Between licks you could sing It's a Long Way To Tipperary ... having British soldiers guarding them will make them feel right at home!

A cactus fan told me they're selling lorpha ... lorcy ... peyote in a shop in town. The size of your fist. Big clumps. The two wee buds I've got refuse to grow though I shout sombreras, ya bass! as I pass them by.

I told the Domestic Bliss I might eat one or two of these cacti the next time she was away for a bit, and suddenly she's away from a bit now. Of course, I can't do it during this holiday since I have to emanate as a deity, and I don't know where the cacti shop is. She won't be back till Friday afternoon.

This time I do not have a disease, or a barrel of beer, or a jobbie to go to, so I should be alright.

I started meditating this morning at 9 a.m. The bliss is full on, but I need to calm down. The kiddo was here yesterday so I don't need to see anyone till I go to see my auld maw on Friday. And I don't have to sleep in the hut and catch pneumonia. Oh, what a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!


michi said...

I hope you archived your old bloggie -
do like your writing!

ion said...

All of you people in the education sector should appreciate how unfair it is that you get 6 weeks off just as some of us are going fulltime.

I passed my poppy garden today and resolve to snap a clicky-pic, to distract the Taliban from your allotment opiate harvest.

Hotboy said...

Michi: I've no idea what that is. I like your writings as well!
Ion: I don't deserve it. I really don't. It's amazing! Nearly six weeks left as well. Hotboy

rob said...

Any more thoughts about how/whether you want to preserve the old blog (I'm not mentioning it by name so people can't find their way here by googling for the old name)? Another way is to export the whole thing to a WordPress blog, but I would simply rename the old blog, as I suggested in an email.

My commiserations BTW - I went through the same palaver when the UnHeard Of tax department and the infatuated musicians forced me to move.

Anonymous said...

a-l-kennedy on writing and drugs.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? I can't do the name change option now, and I don't want to get rid of the blog on the internet because every week someone hits it looking for vase breathing stuff, and there's very little personal stuff on that published. I would like to have a copy somewhere so I could re-read it when I get the black spot.
Somebody else: I checked that out. A-L Kennedy is dead right. I wouldn't advocate folk taking drugs for anything (even to write!). I think all flatheids should give the world a break and start meditating, but nobody listens to me! Who are you anyway? How did you get here? You can't be a schoolgirl because they've never heard of A-L Kennedy. I haven't time to read many novels, but I read an A-L Kennedy piece once on bullfighting and it was brilliant! Hotboy

ion said...

Somebody else-
You have excellent taste. Alison Kennedy's belated Guardian articles on TWAT (the war against terror) since 2003 have been awe-inspiring.

rob said...

The only other writer I know (also another buddhist) was in the same writing group as ALK.