Sunday 18 May 2008

Ra Weekend So Far!

Sunday 2:40 p.m.
Friday was wonderful. I'd probably put in about three and a bit hours before I got on the train from Bellshill back to Edinburgh. I was doing ra bliss as usual on the train, but started dozing off now and again. You go out in the brightness and come back in the same way, which is very nice indeed. Pulling out of Wester Hailes, I came to again, and soon was amazed by ra bliss. I checked my breathing to see if I still was breathing. Most subtle. Bizarre to be even considering this at all.

I was really tired from the shadow boxing when I was at Iron Man, a movie, en famille. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and WoW! Such bliss! That was yesterday. Couldn't get enough time away from the flatheids yesterday, but you have to stay engaged.

Then on the way home we stopped at the traffic lights at Haymarket. A buxom wench in a low cut top opened up the window of a flat the sensei and reverend used to live in, the one just above the pub, or the flat just next door. Maybe sticking out her head to have a fag. Across the road, two drunk guys were coming down the pavement and one shouted over: Get your t*ts out for the boys! The girl stuck the fag in her mouth and duly obliged for a few moments. I wonder why that stuck in my mind.


rob said...

I always feel blissful too, pulling out of Wester Hailes. Thank goodness for British Rail. Or whatever it's called now, how do you keep up with the re-branding of everything. Thank goodness Erdinger's not changed.

Iron Man's said to be quite good.

Re Haymarket. Now do you see why I always carry a camera?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Iron man is better than you'd expect. What's Erdinger to the poverty stricken? Hotboy