Wednesday 7 May 2008

Ra Cannabis Reclassification!

Wednesday 1:50 p.m.
The fuzzy faced old Moroccans sat around the cafe verandah in their jellabahs playing snakes and ladders, or draughts. Now and again, they would bring the small bowled clay pipes with the long stems into view and take a puff.

It was the best dope I ever smoked. They wouldn't sell it to you, but the boy making the coffees or mint teas would give you a puff when he was taking your order. One puff was all you could really take. I think it was called kef, or keef.

If the dope is strong, you don't need to smoke so much of it. The less you have to smoke, the less you damage your lungs. Because they say skunk is stronger than ... I'm so agitated by these stupid basturns I can't concentrate enough to vent the spleen.

I got so annoyed watching the news that I couldn't settle into my normal Wednesday afternoon post-prandial kip. It's called following the tabloid agenda. The government say they are going to reclassify cannabis from Class C back to Class B, reversing one good thing the Tony Blair government did. Basturns! Basturns! Basturns!

Of course, we're awash in booze. The Times said today that 40% of murders are alcohol related. Six people die in Scotland every day from drinking. Our sclerosis of the liver count is going through the roof. Wasn't these New Labour basturns who were going to bring in 24 hours drinking licenses?

It's enough to make me go out to the pub and get sloshed, so it is, Jack. The news had a hidden camera with a reporter who bought some skunk in Camden Town in London. Right in the middle of the street. In full view. I wish I lived in Camden Town. Within a five minute walk from my front door, you can buy drink from about twenty outlets easy. Basturns! Basturns! Basturns!

I had high hopes for that Gordon Brown basturn! I was at a party Gordon Brown was at when he was shadow chancellor. Two of his friends from uni were there and I know they both smoked dope. What a rotten stinking currant and basturn he turned out to be! Resign! Resign! Resign, ya useless basturn that you are!

If I can't vote for someone on the left somewhere, I should just stop voting. It just encourages the stupid, useless basturns!

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