Thursday 6 December 2007

Thursday 10:11 p.m.
A nineteen year old shop assistant was given a nine month suspended sentence today for having material which might have been of use to a terrorist, and writing awful poems in praise of Osama the Bammer. The material which might have been of use to a maybe perhaps terrorist was just downloads from the web. Do terrorists have to ask nineteen year old shop assistants for manuals on how to wreak havoc? I think not, your honour. Still, for the lousy poetry she should have been shot.

It's spot the crime time, folks! As you reach out for it, it kind of recedes. What bad stuff did she do again? Maybe they're just trying to freak out shop assistants.

White sheets of ra bliss arising for long spells today. Sat in the lobby for most of the day, then did the shadow boxing, bath bliss, and blog. What a fortunate creature!


onan the bavarian said...

Fortunate indeed. Amazing to think that some people waste their time in full-time employment. I live with one of them. Just what does she find to spend all those wages on?

If you and the old dear hadn't been so overcome with lust in the hut, you might have discovered that she wants everyone aged nineteen banged up.

Hotboy said...

Onan! I'm not commenting on your comment twice! The first one must have been eaten by the cybermonsters! Hotboy