Sunday 16 December 2007

Ranother Resume!

Sunday 9:11 p.m.
I got a chance to see the Ricky Hatton/Mayweather fight today from round 4. The Mayweather boy was too big for him. It's not fair.

I checked out the joe who's doing the CDs I got for my auld maw for Christmas. The boy has started a new thing. New Kadampa Tradition. I suspect he's lost the plot.

I send letters sometimes to Teresa down at the Samye Ling. I regard her as one of my gurus though I don't think we've ever had a conversation lasting more than a couple of sentences. Now that I come to think of it ... I think two of them were telepathic. Anyway, I always send her a tenner out of politeness, and it's a cold call really, and she gives it to something else. My ten spot went to help sponsor something at Bodhigaya. She can't need the money for kirby grips after all.

I asked her something in the reply to her email. The tapes I bought for my auld maw for Xmas have been authored by this Geshe who seems to have lost the plot. There seems to have been an argument about ... they're worse than Presbyterians these Tibetans! Schisms everywhere! Anyway, the argument seems to be about what this Dorje Shugden is.

In the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy BLissheid, we don't need to worry about such things. We have schismed straight off. We're still trying to get the walls to seem less solid; we don't have any of this juju about protector deities, and such like. We are just doing the experiental mysticism and want to know what works with ra bliss and ra emptiness.

We may have the multiverses to contend with ... we rational folk ... and the parallel universes, and the branes, but we laugh at the protector deities, the demons, etc. And so we should!

Yea, though I have taken to supplicating, prostrating (in my mind) and making offerings (ditto) to the Medicine Buddha, I think the Medicine Buddha is moi. It has to be moi at the end of the day. What else could it be? It arises in mind; abides in mind; declines in mind. The problem is the separation or isolation between what moi thinks of mind and what mind could be.

Then I did fifty yogic jumpings from the Mr Iyengar yoga. This kind of yoga is crap, but also very good. Then I did some shadow boxing because I wondered if I was knackered enough. Yes, I was knackered enough! I'd been sitting in the lobby more or less from half eleven this morning till seven when I started the jumpings ... with a break every now and again!

I could have done the sun salutations I learned from Shiva, but I can never get the legs in the right order for lunging, and also they are for wimps. Soldiers jump like Mr Iyengar! Just think you can do anything and then add on a little bit. It's like running. Just add another couple of miles and are you distressed now?


Lee Ann said...

I just wanted to check in with you and see how you are. I haven't been by as I am still struggling with sore throat and bronchitis. I haven't felt much like blogging.
So, How are you?
Have a great week!
Lee Ann

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: I couldn't be better unless I stopped drinking and smoking completely, instead of most of the time. Sorry you've got a bug. Bad time of year for these over here. I'm loving life more than I ever have. It's just before half seven in the morning and I'm about to go to the bus stop, but I'll be the happiest guy there! Get well soon! Hotboy

rob said...

Hotheid. Did you not watch the Green fight? Neither did I, but for a coupla days you couldn't escape the result on all Oz TV channels.

Is there a religion anywhere without Schisms? How can the ABCBBB have a split in a congregation of one. Get some parishioners, that will help. Does Teresa use a collection plate? That would help.

I am considering sending a tenner to the Sea Shepherd folk, harassing Japanese whale "research" vessels in these oceans.

LA - In Edinburgh I used to get bonkitis

Hotboy said...

Albert? Never heard of the Green fight! I schismed away from the Tibetans immediately I joined up. Also, you can send me a tenner any time you like. I could go an harass the boy in the butcher's shop. Hotboy p.s. never get into a fight in a butcher's shop. Too many chibs about.This guy in Bellshill got put through the mincer, all of him. I don't know what he tasted like though.

rob said...

He's the new official light-heavyweight world champion for the WBA. See here:,8659,22937578-5009280,00.html

Hotboy said...

Albert? The first Western Australian world champion. They'll love him there. He should retire!! Hotboy