Thursday 13 December 2007

Ra Defilements!

Thursday 8:20 p.m.
Sometimes nice warming thoughts might arise concerning getting pissed and smoking joints. The latter is quite new since I gave up joints about five or six years ago, but I've been cavalier with my addictions this year and here comes the spanking .... warm thoughts about joints.

I've got ten pounds in cash left. Ten silk cut and four bottles of Baltika come in at £2:77 and £5:37 respectively. £8:14. One joint and almost a bottle of beer later: What a wonderful country this is! So it is! What a fortunate creature I am!

All the warm thoughts leading up to buying the carry out, etc., were lying basturns every one. You're supposed to use your brains to understand karma, or basic cause and effect, and act accordingly. Two of my deep dear friends have died from smoking tobacco and another one has a very, very, very bad cough. If you smoke tobacco, horrible things happen. Everybody knows that. But the thought with the addiction behind it is a very strong thought.

Ditto being a pissheid. However, I am much less of a pissheid than I was at the start of this year .... but it's like pressing on a cushion .... up comes the nicotine addiction. Dearie, dearie me!

This is for the spam robots (Hello, Jack!) and the Alien Creatures from Outer Space whom I know are following the 5 Step Programme For Getting Out of Your Face On Air .... Do not do as I do. Do not do as I say either. In fact, don't do any of the things that I do. Almost everything you do is a complete waste of time. With your head jammed up your backside how could it be anything else? But definitely give up everything. No smoking, drinking, the woiks! This is because of the effect these things have on the thoughts, which are all lying basturns and completely unbelievable on any rational level.

It's the thoughts you get afterwards. These are always more horrible. And more believable.

So you might get ra bliss, but you've got to walk about like every other joe or josephine and deal with your thoughts. You really owe it to everybody else to keep your thoughts in order. You cannot be truly happy if you have to drink and smoke joints.

If the addictive thoughts hadn't been there ... even if they were ... the six hours spent in the lobby were fantastico. The problem is settling. Having a part time jobbie just ruins any meditation routine. I could be in the lobby all day. I promised myself that I'd run.

It's the longer run, I think, and the best looking. Through the beautiful city, down Craigcrook Road, and up the Ravelstone Dykes Road Lane ... when it's being like in the countryside ... and then homewards down passed the Mary Erskine School and along Ravelstone Dykes.

When you're doing it without anxiety, and feel vibrant and strong, with gears for the distance you know, there's just nothing like running. It's exhilerating, or exhilarating. Maybe if you sit in the lobby for four hours beforehand, you've build up a bit of yang. Hmmm. Anyway, that was great! Just as it was getting dark, about half three was when I set out. Took fifty minutes. I'm still a fat basturn though. Even fat basturns can get ra bliss!


ion said...

I see you're joining the part-timers, a class of people who can take or leave particular dependencies with a little effort. God, I hate them!

About the cancer- the Silk Cut are the absolute worst for that.

rob said...

Hotheid! Doctor Robert says that the addictive thoughts are just repressed sexuality. Have you considered letting it all out? I think that's the same as Retention Deficit Disorder. Alternatively, apparently exercise is just as effective. My old man used to say that, that's why I had to remain a slob until recently.

Ion - I'm living proof of that. Silk Cut was my drug of choice until the cancer. From memory (23 years since the last pack), it was the purple kind, because they were better for you.

rob said...

PS have you considered getting addicted to bliss pills? It worked for me. Now I can't be bothered with any vices, not even that thing in the bath.

rob said...

PPS - I'm trying out a program called Crossloop.

It allows a hut manager to take control of a blissheid's PC for the purposes of maintenance. I'll let you know once I finish using it to fix up the partner's PC in the next room, before I go transhemispheric.

rob said...

PPPS a better link is

Hotboy said...

Ion: Every time I've given up fags it's been pure hell! But I'm not fully addicted yet. Better not have any tonight though! Hotboy
Albert? Quite an advert for Silk Cut this is turning out to be! Hotboy p.s. I'll check out the crosslop thing when I get back from Bellshill

Anonymous said...

Addiction is an interesting burden. I don't smoke, rarely drink. But for me coffee is the drug of choice.

Getting the thoughts under control is the hardest bit. But when the internal noise stops, it is a wonderful thing.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: Setting things up you that you think good thoughts is not easy! Not for me anyway! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

"...definitely give up everything...This is because of the effect these things have on the thoughts..."

I think this is the same sort of state one can get into, in the desert. In the desert, there can be very few of the usual kinds of visual stimulants, and this can get one's creative and meditative juices flowing.

The last time I was in a desert, I found this to be so.

Hotboy - for once you may be talking sense.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! It's got to be a desert or a cave; preferably a cave in a desert. I'd need a cave in the desert with a dentist, thank you. Hotboy. p.s. What was I talking sense about? Dr Robert: What should I do about this repressed sexuality then? Get a miniskirt? Don't know if that would help or not! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

As it happens one of my other patients is experienced in letting it all out. I'll get him to advise you.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Can't wait! But I'm still not putting on a dress! Hotboy