Tuesday 25 December 2007

Ra Auntie Anla!

Boxing Day 00:14 a.m.
Eulogising the Domestic Bliss's sister. Very smart. She's the Consultant for the Black Spot in her everyday job. What a fantastic Christmas dinner she made! Other than the Dom Bliss and the kiddo, the auld maw, she is my favourite person.

There is the Gatekeeper to Nirvana, who you speak to at reception at the Samye Ling. He's called Germe, I think. Maybe. So he's for going forward. But when you get the Black Spot, who do you have to speak to? Auntie Anla!

So I say to Auntie Anla .... gie's the hard drugs, please. I've got the hut. I'll starve myself to death. Just gie's the hard drugs because now's my chance to do some hard drugs without anyone saying Oh No! She'll be a fantastic resource when the chips are down.... but unfortunately, she can't do ra bliss.

Tomo Geshe, according to Anagarika Govinda, zapped everyone he touched. He was so full of ra bliss, if you touched him, you got zapped with ra bliss. Wouldn't that be fabuloso?!

Do you think ra bliss could be the same as grace, Jack? Hail Mary, full of ra bliss ... You might be able to interpret grace like that if you wanted to, Hotboy. But ra bliss is ra bliss is ra bliss.

Auntie Anla can't spend six hours a day investigating ra bliss because she's got stuff to do with the folk with the Black Spot. I think I'll have to negotiate with her since the National Health Service probably pay her pots. Gie's ten percent off the top (be a fortune!) and I'll go and sit in my hut. When I can zap folk, you'll be first in the queue. Why isn't anyone ever going to think that's a good idea?

It's a shame about flatheids. Flatheids just don't get ra bliss!


Anonymous said...

Aye the flatheids don't get ra bliss, but if you can get to the point of zapping folks with it, think of what you could change.

Glad you had a good day.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: No complaints about Christmas from me. Certainly not! Wonderful time of the year! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Rather a fixation on The Black Spot, don't you think?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I'm in a death cult. You've got to play with a straight bat and show no pain even when they chuck a googly at you! Hope this helps. Hotboy

rob said...

As I recall, Auntie Anla was not exactly repulsive either. Maybe that's subconsciously why I developed the Black Spot, as a chat-up line if I ever met her again. If she's not spoken for, is she interested in another hopeless case? Just show her the photies.

Hotboy said...

Albert? They're all grannies now. Better of sticking with your inflatable chums! Hotboy

rob said...

I'm not choosy, and she can cook. What could go wrong?