Sunday 23 December 2007


Sunday 4:45 p.m.
It was a beautiful winter's day. Ice on the pond in Inverleith Park. I meditated in the hut and it was not cold. Then I ripped up the remains of the sweet peas and cut down all the raspberry stalks, and set them on fire with some newspapers. A robin redbreast hopped about. I would have done some digging, but the ground is frozen.

I drank lots of expensive wheatbeers last night, but feel fine today. I've given up being a nicotine addict again. I feel that at last I have recovered from missing a day's meditating on Thursday and carousing for far too long down at Portobello.

Before I forget again, the sensei and reverend has got a book deal for his zen book. I hope it gets translated into thirty languages and makes him a rich basturn. I followed a link from his blog today to a joe in the final stages of the black spot. He's eleven years younger than me. I'm feeling happy just now and not complaining about anything.


Lee Ann said...

Have a very Merry Christmas!
Lee Ann

Hotboy said...

Same to you, Lee Ann! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Good luck on giving up your addiction. I understand it is most difficult.

Does burning raspberries make them go away? Dreadful things.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: Somebody said you had to cut the raspberries to ground level. It did make a good fire! Hotboy p.s. Never heard of anyone not liking raspberries. Are you allowed to eat them?

Anonymous said...

felices fiestas chicocaliente!lovea
p.s.somesay fagan was o´feodighand oesn´ts oundto o jewishb uty ou never know

Hotboy said...

Anon: What's the point of Spain in the middle of winter anyway? I was there once in December. Bloody Baltic! Apart from the wonderful everything else ... I mean ... I just love Spain. Great place. You're so lucky to be able to live abroad and not starve to death. I'd just give up. Take me back to hospital, please. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I used to pick raspberries every summer to raise money for school clothes. I was good at it because I don't like them.

I could eat them, but would rather not.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: I'm so so with the taste of raspberries, but since they grow in the allotment I have to eat hundreds and hundreds of them or they'd just go to waste. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Raspberry jam gives me the pip.