Saturday 29 December 2007

Ra Blissheid Yo Ho Ho!!

Saturday 8:00 p.m.
Last night I felt so defeated by the vonny Xmas santy basturns that I went out and bought some fags to roll joints. But only two bottles of beer. So it was in a way tapering off time, or the start of some normality.

Just now I had an hour of fabulous bliss. Almost without a body definition sometimes, but really bloody wonderful from start of finish. This is what I should be doing, not playing second fiddle to the spear carrier for the flatheid pantomime. They just drive me mad at this time of the year. You can't tell them just to fung off and leave you alone. They'd get offended. They do not understand higher meditative states. They do not realise what it costs you to cavort with them and they do not care. But that's the first half over anyway. Goodbye, the Insanity Clause for another year!

I took the christmas cake up for the robin redbreast today, but I did not see it. The sunset was lovely though and top half of the bare naked trees went pink over towards the Botanic Gardens. I dug and dug and dug.

I'm having to go out soon to a pub. Dearie me. One tries not to be churlish. One is as churlish as one can be under the circumstances. Oh well. Once more into the breach, dear friends!


rob said...

One is having to read between the lines here. For clarity, have you thought of putting a highlights video on youtube? Brian Wilson could perhaps help with the technical side.

Doctor Robert has pointed out it's only a few days since your old man's anniversary. Apparently that could be contributing to ra rage, in which case nothing is currently your fault. Punch someone now while you've the perfect get out of jail free card. The last bit is my idea, not Doc Rob's.

Anonymous said...

I say!

You don't exactly seem to be full of the Yuletide spirit.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Neutron bomb the basturns! Hotboy