Thursday 16 August 2007

Ra Reclamation!

Thursday 6 p.m.
I'm just back from the allotment and what a fabulous time was had by all! When I was meditating in the hut, I didn't know how long I was meditating for and didn't care. I was just using a mantra sometimes, and sometimes not. My eyes were closed and I was hardly breathing at all. What a stupendous amount of ra bliss there was! And there was no crabbitness at all!

I slept for a bit, just lying there on the not too tidy floor of the hut, then meditated again in the great oodles of ra bliss. That's more like it! It was as good as the meditations at the Samye Ling. At least as good. Yippee!!

So I have now recovered from the visit of the flatheids last weekend and the going back to the jobbie after six weeks off.

Apart from the hangover, going back to the jobbie was even more difficult due to seeing the faint glimmer of an escape route in the far distance. My literary agent said there was a wee publisher interested in the novel. This was out of the blue and just when I'd about given up on it. It came from the business he did at the London Book Fair. The wee publisher's external reader apparently thought the book was "fantastic," whatever that means. Anyway, I was stupidly hoping that I might hear something positive about that before going back to the jobbie, but there's been no news. I know it's even ridiculous to be bothered. A small independent publisher probably means a small lot of money anyway. Still...

I was so out of sorts on Tuesday and Wednesday, I read a novel, or finished one. Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson. The descriptions of the subsidiary characters by R.L.S. are just completely brilliant. Most of them are complete basturns as well, and almost all of them drunkards. I'm going to have to read Treasure Island again.

This evening I shall have a dinner of tatties, onions and fried eggs. I shall shadow box and have a wonderful bath, and start reading The Real McCoy; and when the day grows dark, boy, will I have me a meditation! What a fortunate, fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!

10:40 p.m.
Since I broke off for lunch, this has been a really great day. Everything has gone so well. I've managed to do about eight hours meditating and the day isn't finished yet. Ra bliss this evening before and after the shadowboxing was just wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I didn't manage to find the time to start reading The Real McCoy, but c'est la vie. I'm sober and straight and happy. If I can have a Sunday like this, even the jobbie will be a delight! May all sentient beings be happy and night, night from RaBadBoyBLissheid!


Lee Ann said...

I think the only way I could sleep on the floor would be if I were extremely exhausted or forced to!
Have a wonderful weekend hotboy
Lee Ann

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: The hero of Kidnapped was sleeping in puddles! The floor was most unkempt as well; covered in plastic bags and rubbish. Good practise for life on the skids! Have a great weekend! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

David Livingstone would have considered sleeping in puddles a luxury for namby pambies.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! But the puddles in the bongo bongo would have been like heated swimming pools compared to the chilly Jockoland puddles! Hotboy p.s. Anyway, Livingstone came from Lanarkshire, a working class hero, a bit like moi!