Monday 27 August 2007

Ra Real McCoy!

Monday 9:15 p.m.
I finished reading through The Real McCoy, which I reckon is now nearly twenty years old. How time flies!

Part of the plot is about an evangelical Christian running for the White House. That didn't really seem likely twenty years ago!

Anyway, it was an interesting radio play and I tried to hack a book round it in quicktime so I could become rich and famous, as usual. I think I put the prose round the dialogue during the three months the Domestic Bliss was looking after baby Rosalynd. Some of the paragraphs aren't too bad, but it's never going to be a satisfying read the way it is.

The book mentions white light a lot and bliss only slightly. So I was getting white light during my meditations twenty years ago. It couldn't have been as pronounced then since I remember a big jump in the effects of meditating about fifteen years ago.

I don't know if I really want to embark on another book. I can regard this one as half written. If my new book finds a publisher, then I'll be getting something else ready. I don't want to start a book from scratch since I haven't got the time just now. I want to meditate, but I should try to get some money for my daughter, etc., etc. Hmmm? You shouldn't go half assed into writing a book, or even re-writing one.

I haven't written anything for a year. I'll have to learn again. Make decisions. Will I use semi-colons and all that? Will there be any dwarfs, or elephants?

I'd like to write something amusing about God and death, and yoga, which my agent, if he wants it, can show to an editor for Penguin in the US of A. At least, I've got an agent who will look at it, which is a wee bit better than where I was last year.


rob said...

I remember listening to Ra Real McCoy, without realising it was prescient. On the plus side, maybe that means RaBlissBook too will actually come to pass once we're all deid.

"I haven't written anything for a year." - not true, you've done the blog, and blogs are being made into books these days, I think they call them blooks. Have you read the Glasgow bus-driver's blog? It's about to be published in time for Xmas. There's probably already a book's worth in your blog, after you edit it to remove the bliss-speak of course.

Lee Ann said...

I think there should definitely be elephants (maybe pink ones), but no dwarfs.
Have a wonderful week Hotboy!

Hotboy said...

Albert? Somebody must have forced you to listen to it! It got a wonderful review. Last time I ever worked with the BBC! Blogging aint writing, not the way I do it!
Lee Ann: It's set in California. I'll have to import some elephants especially. Hotboy

ion said...

Does god really deserve initialisation? The older I get the less I agree. S/he sits on the sidelines and laughs uproariously at our puny attempts to be good.

Hotboy said...

Ion: But do you think having an elephant in the book would help? Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Yes, you should have some semi-colons, and the consensus is for no dwarfs, but lots of elephants. I presume African elephants? There are plenty down the road at Liwonde.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! As I close in on the concept; the dwarves start bouncing up and down; the elephants raise their trunks and shout, "Hotboy!": only on those days when some elephants gave me a hat was I able to read Christopher Isherwood and know that you really have to be able to write it seventeen times: and then the readers don't concentrate like that, so why bother?; couldn't you just succumb to the breathlessness and ecstasy? Hmmmm? Hmmm? Hotboy

rob said...

A propos of nothing, have you ever read Gordon Williams?