Saturday 25 August 2007

Ra Church News!

Saturday 1:40 p.m.
Have any other churches, apart from the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid, been able to claim a 100% success rate at getting their members into ecstasy? I'm a wonderment in my own lunchtime, so I am!

Jack, how come I haven't got a huge queue of flatheids wanting to join this church then? Well, Hotboy, they didn't get ra bliss. How do you expect them to understand ra ecstasy? Hmmm? Do you think it would help if I reduced the take from 10% to 5%? No, Hotboy. It looks as if you're going to remain the most fortunate creature in the blogosphere that you know of. What a fortunate creature I must be then, Jack! What a fortunate creature!


ion said...

Hotboy- can you put a Church of the Badboy Blissheid curse on the 15 yr olds who trashed my flat last night, please? Just the bad ones, mind. May they be forever flatheided.

Hotboy said...

Ion: What a rotten thing to happen! This is another reason why we should have an armed citizenry. You should be allowed to shoot people who do stuff like that. Or hit them with a stick. Hotboy p.s. I'm scared to curse folk now after what happened the last time.

rob said...

It said in the movie if you build it, they will come, but maybe it's calling them fung flatheids that drives them away. Your previous church - your Alma what's the latin for Church - has staying power, what do they do to pack the punters in? You've got the incense already, get the kiddo to design some robes and wait for the cash to roll in. 10% is all I ask.

ion - I don't know what to say.

rob said...

ion - looks like you've got comments turned off at your place, and no wonder, I'd probably board up all windows, nail up the door and sit quivering in a heap. Hope it's not quite as bad as that.

How is the cat taking it?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is it you? If you fancy fronting this church, you've got the jobbie! Ideas! That's what we need. Funny hats and robes! It'll clean up! Hotboy