Friday 11 January 2008

Ra Crabbitness!

Friday 5:50 p.m.
I felt quite crabbit today and yesterday. When you are crabbit, it might help to try to disengage the crabbitness from what you are thinking about. You probably think it's the thing you are thinking about that's making you crabbit, but there are a million other inputs into the crabbitness, just as there are a million inputs into the subject of your thoughts. You can meditate this crap away if you have long enough.

I had a wonderful time meditating in Bellshill today. The auld maw and me went upstairs to listen to the CD from the Dorje Shugden worshippers, and it was very good. Sometimes I was listening, but sometimes I wasn't. Mainly I was sitting in a lotus at the foot of the bed getting more and more into ra bliss. What a brilliant meditation that was! The auld maw says she'd be dead already if it wasn't for these tapes and CDs.

I can meditate for over an hour on the train either way, and meditate with the auld maw for another hour and a half.

This is the best socialising I ever do! There is not one friend or acquaintance of mine I can sit and meditate with. Being surrounded by flatheids isn't really a help.


Anonymous said...

There is not one friend or acquaintance of mine I can sit and meditate with.

Well, get over here for a visit! Our gang is meditating like mad. I hardly talk to flatheids anymore.

Hotboy said...

Dogo! I sometimes think there's a reason why I'm surrounded by flatheids. The reason is that I'm daft! Hotboy