Sunday 22 June 2008

Ra Yoga Nidra

Sunday 8:30 p.m.
After downing four bottles of Erdinger last night, I wasn't so fast out of the blocks this morning, but this was partly because I thought I maybe didn't have to get out of bed.

Sometimes I go through a yoga nidra routine when I'm lying in bed in the morning. You visit bits of your body in turn and tell them to relax, etc. Your eyes are closed. My body seemed so relaxed this morning that the sensation of having a body at all was quite slight. There is a great plane of white light and bliss. Hardly any sensation of a having a body at all.

I thought: This is what yoga nidra, the sleep of the yogis, is maybe supposed to be like. So a thought arose. A wee while later another thought arose: If I had no bodily sensations and no thoughts were arising, what do we have here?

Something without centre or circumference. Something aware. Whether it is unconfined or not, I'm not sure. Hmmmmm?

If when I'm dead, I could spend a few eons like that, Jack, it would be like winning the pools, so it would. The formless zone. No conceptualisation. Who needs thoughts? All misconceived. All lying basturns.

We embrace our ignorance
We don't believe in any things
Especially thoughts


Anonymous said...

I say!

"Your eyes are closed."

If you're going to develop into an opening bat, it would be best to keep your eyes open. However, perhaps you could keep them closed and sense the ball coming at your head at 90 mph if you meditated enough.

I also say - our prayers are with our cousins over in Zimbabwe. There's been a bit of military activity heareabouts, but my lips are sealed. Oops - perhaps I shouldn't evan have said that. Where's the delete bucket?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! If the batters were all blindfolded, it would be a much better game! Besides, they all wear hats these days. No backbone, not like way back when. Hotboy

rob said...

If youse folk could find something better to do than blog, I'd have a chance of breaking out of this hotel room to take some outdoor HNTs.

Re "great plane of white light" - I have an appointment tomorrow with a business class flat bed, but would prefer it without the inferno thank you.

Mingers - have they replaced the box yet with something more high tech?