Tuesday 17 June 2008

Ra Something Cheery!

You just close your eyes and ra bliss is in there and rising, expanding, lifting. I haven't been enjoying the Domestic Bliss being away, and I've been on ra beer nearly every night since the soapbar ran out, and I've been struggling a wee bit, and my concentration isn't what it should be (six bottles of beer last night! Dearie me!) ... but ra bliss keeps advancing, due to the amount of time I was putting in at the weekend, no doubt.The vase breathing I did at lunchtime today just blew me away! So let us not be downhearted, Jack.

I got a message from my secret agent today telling me that he thinks some sections of the floating boy book could do with expanding, but he says the kidsbook is still out with several publishers. I assumed he'd abandoned it, so that was good news. He'd never heard of the word "dunted", so it must be Scottish. Jemima, his boy wonder, had never heard of Sonny Liston. I had to change the reference to Joe Louis though Sonny Liston presents a far scarier image. Does anyone out there not know who Joe Louis was?

There's some good footie on tonight. Hmmm? To beer or not to beer, that is the question.


Anonymous said...

I've heard of Joe Louis but never of Sonny Liston. The fitba's presence on the telly is anathema. Was it my imagination that the same game was being shown on Beeb 1 and 3 at the same time this weekend? I nearly wrote a stroppy email in protest.

Luckily my weekend lurgy was serviced by back-to-back David Attenborough on History channel. Bliss!

Hotboy said...

Ion: It just looked like the same game on both channels, though they show bits of the other game at half time, so ...David Attenborough is my favourite for being diseased. When I'm going terminal, I want him on all the time! Thank God you've heard of Joe Louis! Sonny Liston was the man Ali beat to become world champion. He was ever redneck's nightmare. Hotboy

rob said...

A pal at school caddied for Sugar Ray Robinson when he was in Glasgow. Does that help?

Attaboy was interviewed on TV here, a whole hour just on him. Even without animals he was great! If this means I'm gay, so what!

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? Well done for your pal caddying for Sugar Ray. Was he gay as well? Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Next thing you know, someone will be claiming never to have heard of Geoffrey Boycott!


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I have heard of Geoffreys, but have you heard of Sonny Liston? Two people today, one American, had never heard of Sonny Liston. I'm used to young people not knowing who Clark Gable was, but Sonny Liston, the ultimate anti-hero ... have they all got a brain disease like me? I'd like to know. Hotboy