Sunday 1 June 2008

Ra Weekendingness!

Sunday 20:23 p.m.
As far as the meditation states are concerned, I couldn't be more amazed at how wonderfully well things are going. Zooming into the great big sweetie nothingness, big gap in the thoughts, with still a definite subject (moi!) and the object, mainly ra bliss ... well, jolly good on that front, Jack. Still, not getting much heat. The visualisations are definitely improving, but still crap.

The post meditation states have become disturbed due to the arrival of the wages into the overdraft account. This led to a great arousal of suppressed desires which I didn't think it wise to obstruct. Also, I've been having a wonderful time. It is really hard to be having a better time than the one I'm having what with ra bliss and all. But there are a lot of folk out there who aren't getting ra bliss, and who are grieving and all that ... fung sake! It's a vale of tears, so it is.

The boy in the Richard Gere book says that if you're doing four times three hour sessions, you're in retreat. I'd heard of six one and a half hour sessions, which I could almost do some fine days, but three hour sessions four times a day ... what a lot of ra bliss you'd get. And other stuff. Bring it on.

At least, you'd be away from all the weeping and gnashing of teeth, and all that, wouldn't you? The resounding clunk as another one falls off its perch. No wonder they're terrified. No bliss either. Dearie, dearie me.


rob said...

I want to improve my own visualisations. Sign me up now. You must be saving a fortune on pornography.

Hotboy said...

Onan? It must be you! Have you still got the drip? Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I saw this, and thought of you.

It's not bliss at all, it's the effect of a reduced left hippocampus.

That must surely help.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! 15 people in a study is an awful wee study. However, everything has some effect. I noticed that the bit dealing with aggression has diminished. Of course, one is better sticking to the wiessbier. I can't remember anything when I've had too many of those! Hotboy

rob said...

Ignore the research. Not only was it only 15 people in the study, but they were Australian people.

Look at Albert - he only ever smoked at university, when he was in with a bad crowd, and he suffers continual paranoia and social withdrawal anyway.

I'm told shrinkage come to us all.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Paranoia and social withdrawal? What's the matter with that? Can you be a hermit and paranoid? I suppose so! You could be scared of nobody coming after you! Hotboy