Tuesday 10 June 2008

Ra Absentee!

Tuesday 11:53
Diseases and a sore, inflamed (Oh no! I'm going to die!) leg have kept me from my gainful employment this week so far. And I've been left alone in this big flat (hobbling about and sucking on the last scraps of rotten vegetables!) while the Domestic Bliss has taken off for adventures overseas. This is what it must be like to be an old person. You count your aches and pains as you get out your bed and face the whole day alone. I think I might take a wee walk round the charity shops later on, and then fall over and hurt myself.

Apart from that, things here are pretty crap. I wasted my time enjoying myself over the weekend with the type of people who give you diseases, and now I'm out of the way of sitting quietly doing nothing for most of the day, I'm addicted to almost everything, and more or less broke. But I'm always more or less broke, so no change there. I think I'd better go away and emanate as a deity. Bugger all else to do!


Anonymous said...

I say!

Sounds like gout. Amputation is one of several possible solutions.


rob said...

I say! The blisses have departed north and south, balanced at last!

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! and Albert? Those of us who can replace our braincells with milk, squirting it into the empty spaces, have a definite advantage with this question. I certainly hope so. Hotboy

ion said...

You lucky, lucker fecker to be able to pull a sickie, especially if was mebbe a minor twinge and nothing fulminant.

I can't remember when I was last proper ill, although there were times in the last jobbie when I prayed to break a femur in order for time out.

Hotboy said...

Ion: I do have a disease. The grande ennui is a terrible affliction. Thank god for the social services! Unfortunately, they have flown away! Hotboy