Saturday 15 March 2008

Sunday 00:17 a.m.
Waitrose were selling 12 cans of Guinness for only £9.99. Today there were only two cans left. I am absolutely crap at being a flatheid. Why other flatheids put up with me I do not know. They're much better at being flatheids than moi. My flatheid is right over the top!

A little fashed and bashed, I went into ra bliss about eleven fifteen. What a disgrace! But during the hour and a half of sumptiousness, I felt so eternally grateful to all the joes and josephines down at the Samye Ling for their support, especially the lama. Especially the lama.

This has to be the end of the beginning.

Then I went up to the allotment, meditated and dug, then planted some tatties in three uplifted rows. I'm still carrying the baggage of getting pissed the night before, but everything is coming up roses, the longer you wait.

Tomorrow I'm back to where I was before the Christmas santy basturns started upsetting me. No money. No drugs. No nothing. Be a wee bit tricky for a couple of days then .... I'll be happy!


Anonymous said...

If you are planting potatoes and getting roses, there might be a small problem in your garden. *grin*

Interesting the things that can unsettle us.

Interesting the things that can unsettle us. I'm recovering from the madness in the states and the people there.

I wonder about my sanity at times.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: Nice to hear from you! Unfortunately, beer and tobacco unsettle me! Doesn't seem to stop me though! Hotboy

rob said...

There my still be some bottles outside the bliss cave. What a pity you're not there. The next best thing to bliss pills.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? Thank god I don't have anything to do with alcohol anymore! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

If your flatheid is way over the top (is there perhaps a new kitchen on the way?) and you're underachieving, the pair of you are balanced. How fortunate!

Hotboy said...

Anty? At least someone thinks so! Hotboy