Friday 7 March 2008

Ra Hut Management Course!

Friday 7:51 p.m.
I was reminded of the wonderful, beautiful city today as I walked around it with my wee brother, Popeye. After meditating all morning ... then we were looking at the town from Inverleith Park, and it was blowy and rainy, but that's the summer time in Aberdeen, where he comes from ... and I was thinking of the heavenly vision you might maybe get one day. Well, it looked like heaven to me, just a wee bit.

Clicky McDuck, his son, was off doing the first part of the kind of interview you might have to do if you were going to get a jobbie in computeriness and artificial intelligence. Popeye said he was a lot like me, so when I got him in the kitchen I gave him the three turnings of the wheel of dharma, as you do.

He did not think that sitting for sixteen hours wearing a jimmy wig and accoutrements in the kid-on cave in the Unheard of and McDonald Islands was a bad idea. I said fifty fifty. I press the switch and sit. He takes the money and I give all the money away! Fantastic idea.

We are not what we think we are and it is not happening to us the way we think it's happening to us. This much is rational. We are bits of other joes and josephines who have gone before us. Clicky got the false sense of self alright. The negating the object outside was no bother either, but the what is the mind stuff is hard work if you haven't seen it. Still, fantastic to talk to a young person. Old people who cannot access ra bliss have just failed.


Anonymous said...

I say!

Is Clicky McDuck by any chance related to the McDucks of Eldoret, with whom I spent many an enjoyable evening on their khondi, back in the mid-to-late nineties?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Whole towns have so many McDucks that family trees just miss out the second name. Is it these chinless McDucks you refer to? Hotboy

rob said...

Ever since I myself had the three turnings of the wheel of dharma in the kitchen, life has never been quite the same.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? Who was turning you wheel? Were they arrested? That would help! Hotboy

rob said...

Who was turning your wheel? - it was your kitchen.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? Are there just three wheels on your wagon? Are you still rolling along? Dearie me! Hotboy

onan the bavarian said...

Do they still sell Wagon Wheels where you are? They've just reached here, one of the benefits of living in a 1950s society.