Sunday 20 April 2008

Rat Talent!

Sunday 6:52 p.m.
When I started this bloggy business, I thought I could stop raving at flatheids I knew about ra bliss. I can have whole conversations with folk now and never mention it once. But someone at the start of this weekend mentioned it to me. They said they'd tried to meditate by repeating a sound to themselves for seven minutes, but couldn't last that long.

It brought it all back, Jack. When I started trying to meditate, I thought ten minutes with your eyes shut muttering mumbo jumbo to yourself seemed like an awful long time.

One of the reasons I started to write when I left uni was that I'd realized by then that I hadn't any god given talent. Prodigies have natural talent. You need natural talent to be a musician, or a painter, or to do hard sums. I didn't think you needed much to have a bash at writing novels.

Of course, I've been singularly unsuccessful in writing novels, having made about two and a half grand from prose in thirty odd years of endeavour. Still, it gave me some shelter from doing anything sensible with my life like having a career and toadying up to the evil bourgeois.

I haven't done any writing since I stopped work on Wednesday, but I've done as much meditating as I can. Once I would have spent all that time writing. But for meditating you need even less talent. You can be as thick as two short planks and be a brilliant meditator. All you have to be able to do is sit and think. You don't even have to know the alphabet!

After you've repeated the mumbo jumbo to yourself for a while, something else will begin to arise. Eventually, a great envelope of ra bliss will arise and you will then be a truly fortunate creature like moi.

Someone sent me an advert for a 15 hours a week jobbie in the jail. There isn't enough cash in it even for me, but I am sorely tempted. Being a librarian in the jail is but one little step away from getting the jail. They'd maybe put me in solitary for my own protection since my brother was once a prison officer. Solitary confinement has some attractions when all you know are flatheids who don't even know they're flatheids. It would be horrible at first, of course, but after a wee while .... what oceans of bliss there would be to surf in!

I cycled up Kirk Brae today on the way to a most enjoyable visit to our friend with the MS and I'm too knackered now to dig, but I'm away to the hut. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!


Anonymous said...

Well I will admit that I have written 5 1/2 novels, but have never even bothered to spell check them let alone market them. No one wants to read them anyway. (including me)

I write a novel a year in November, along with a lot of other crazy folks. But I have no talent as such.

I can't carry a tune in a bucket.

I sew, but that is from years of practice. But it makes me happy.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: A novel in a month is pretty good going really! In two Novembers or so, you'll have caught up with me! To make money out of novels, it's better to just copy what someone else has written. You can at least use a bit of sewing, and you have something tangible at the end. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I only did it the first time on a dare from my child. It is National Novel Writing Month.

It is a weird and interesting thing to do.

rob said...

You might like to know I left one of my brilliant comments here the other day. Gone. MM reported something similar.

Hotboy said...

Albert? How can that be? Hotboy