Sunday 6 April 2008

Ra Sunday!

Sunday 12:32 p.m.
You might waken up like your usual flatheid; a wee bit grumpy and groggy, with that generalised feeling of mild dissatisfaction and frustration. You know you have to start pulling yourself together now.

I know it is possible to go to sleep in ra bliss and emerge once more out of ra bliss, but this rarely occurs with moi since my non-meditating behaviour leaves much to be desired.

But almost immediately after you start into the juju, a great glowing globule of ra bliss arises and it's as if thoughts will only bounce off ineffectually and not penetrate to any degree. There is a peacefulness and some sense of serenity accompanying this great glowing globule of ra bliss, and then you put a vase breath in there ..... and after an hour or so passes, you have to get up and the memory of ra bliss starts to fade immediately, but you know that there is nothing but nothing which could ever be as wonderful as ra bliss.

And so I expect the day to go on doing ra bliss then keeping the flatheid in me occupied. It's baltic again and there has been snowings.

10:20 p.m.
Let's be joyful that I have got a jobbie to go to tomorrow! Hurrah! Hurrah!

I haven't socialised with any of my deep dear friends since Tuesday evening. I've probably meditated for about twenty five hours since then until now. Today I donned the full Beer Monster Reduction Vehicle and did six three minute rounds. But I felt alright and did some diggings as well. The fight back against the evil demon nicotine is underway, and all's right with the world.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Let's hear it for monday mornings!

Hotboy said...

Albert? It's Monday morning now. I was only joking. Honest. Hotboy