Tuesday 22 July 2008

Ra Homecoming!

Tuesday 5:11 p.m.
Feel quite sane compared to the last time I got back from the Samye Ling. So how about an overview?

Although the deity yoga juju was working much better over the last two mornings (particularly this morning), I still didn't get much heat. I guess over the seven days I was there, I must have done about sixty hours meditating. Well, I wasn't doing anything else. Meditated, took a wee walk, ate the meals, read a book, and that was about it.

Two rather attractive and probably single women tried to engage me in conversation, but I had to make my excuses and leave. Over the last couple of days I started noticing the bosoms of nuns! Maybe that's when you know you're getting desperate.

No, Hotboy, you getting desperate when you start fancing the mannequins in the shop windows! Lots of women flashing their wobbly bits up Princes Street as I waited for the 29 bus to take me home.

When I was tired and not actually sitting, I had to sometimes put up with an avalanche of unpleasant, aggressive diatribes, interior monologues and commentaries directed against perfectly innocent people I know, and sometimes know and like very much. This is like the old wounds rising from the deep just to let you know that there's a lot of work to be still done there.

Sometimes I felt exhilerated well beyond the usual. So not quite the steady pleasantness one would like, but highs and lows.

I think the Venerable Big Indian might be the happiest person in the world.

Everything was well worth it for ra bliss!!

1 comment:

onan the bavarian said...

I saw those women too, flashing their bits on Princes Street. How fortunate to be past it. No pressure.

Why not perform some of those interior monologues tonight, there'll be plenty of perfectly innocent people there?