Tuesday 12 February 2008

Rem Good Vibrations!

Tuesdsay 8:30 p.m.
I now feel completely recovered from the impromptu birthday party down at Brian Wilson's on Saturday, though I still have Beach Boys music intruding sometimes into my meditations.

I'd like to tell you spam robots about ra bliss, Jack, but I'm really lost for words. As I sit here lost for words with my arms folded, I can feel a very nice, warm feeling coming into my upper body. Sometimes little bits of heat come with the vase breathing, especially in the evening, and sometimes little bits of heat just warm the envelope as you sit there. I haven't really got much control of it, but it's not happening that often.

A great variety of good sensations occur in this envelope. Maybe it's add a wee bit of dopamine here, a wee bit of seretonin there. I don't know what it is, but sometimes the combination in the sensations tell you something new is happening, or something has developed, moved on and up a little bit. But it keeps changing, keeps progressing and is sometimes just fabulous though I cannot really descibe a sensation or a combination of strange waves and ridges moving in your body. If this sounds weird, it is weird.

I don't really know what I'm doing, Jack. Hotboy, you are the progeny of the heroic working class in Bonnie Scotland and you're trying to do some tantric 12th Century Tibetan juju, so why should you expect to know what you're doing? I'm keeping on doing it anyway, Jack. Because it is working!! How wonderfully bizarre!


rob said...

Did you know that you can get the dopamine and seretonin combined in a single pill now? It really helps.

Hotboy said...

Albert? If you could get that plus food and drink and drugs in the one pill, then you'd save a lot of time. Of course, society would then collapse, but the global warming will collapse it anyway, so why don't they get on with it. The once over pill!! Definitely a help! Hotboy p.s. Get them genetically modified. Bound to clean up with that one!

Anonymous said...

If it is working, just enjoy it. The why isn't as important.

Being home has allowed me to quiet the mind and get back out of my own head.

Just when I'm relaxed I'm going back to the madness for a wedding.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: Drive me nuts the flying and whatnot! Be exhilerating as well, I suppose. Hotboy

rob said...

Society needn't collapse once there's a futures market in once over pills. Get in now before everyone else and you need never be sober again.