Wednesday 20 February 2008

Ra Second Time I got Arrested!

Wednesday 10:07 p.m.
This post is for Ion.

It was about the Christmas holidays in 1969. My girlfriend had just packed me in. She was the best friend of the girl in the back seat of the motor who was with my best pal, Tony. The three of us were pretty drunk, having been scooping up in the Derby Inn in Mossend before the designated driver was taking us back to Renfrew to drop the girl.

Naivety, naivety, naivety!

Before I'd gone out, I was with Mrs Boyd. She said watch yourself in Glasgow. Several policemen had been shot by an ex-policeman that day after a bank robbery.

The girl was hustling my friend to get engaged. I was sitting in the front seat laughing like a drain. I started singing The Bladden Races in the front of the motor.

It's the usual horrible wintery night in Glasgow with the dark and the damp and the desolate emptyish streets. Then this Jaguar comes screaming passed the front of motor and cuts us off. Suddenly everything had turned a bit surreal. So I stumblebums out the motor and looks down through this tunnel and there are pigs everywhere. Like, five polis coming down one side of the street, five on the other. So they arrive on us, pigs piling out this jaguar. I'm thrown up against this wall with my chummie Tony thrown against the wall beside me.

Then I'm standing there with the fat florid Glesga cop in my face arresting me for breach of the peace.

So we pled not guilty. Tony got off . I said I was singing. He wasn't. He was trying not to get engaged in the back of the motor.

I can't remember what I got fined. Maybe fifteen quid. We'd driven straight passed the end of the road where the poor folk got shootied, unbeknownst to us. Anyway, that's one count of malicious damage and one of breach of the peace so far. I think confession is good for the soul. If I could be bothered, I'd tell you about the scenes in the court. Also, folk from my background have to get arrested. There are five brothers in my family. We have all been arrested.


Anonymous said...

I say!

By an amazing coincidence, there was the very first in the world hidden camera on that road, and I've just turned up the footage of your performance. Here it is. My, you look young!

Perhaps you would not have been arrested if you'd been singing a Barmy Army song.

I'm sure that helps.


Anonymous said...

I say!

Looking at that footage closer, it obviously took place in the police station after you were arrested, and had been asked by PC Plod for a repeat performance.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! With the steam driven computery thing, you'd need to live a long life to see that! Anyway, I was only 19 at the time and far more handsome! Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

Wow, that was a wild ride for sure!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Lee Ann

rob said...

My Bladder Races when I visit this blog.

You got off lightly. How fortunate that your story took place in the days before they invented breathalysers.

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Have a great weekend!
Albert? What can I say? Hotboy

ion said...

Well, that was a pick-me-up! May you be arrested many times, to keep these stories coming.

Hotboy said...

Hi Ion! Hope things are bearable! Hotboy