Wednesday 14 November 2007

Ris Wonderful Life!

Wednesday 11:22 a.m.
Whilst awaiting for my wonderful jobbie share partner to come and set me free!

I'm back, Jack! I'm well back in the game! No booze or nicotine since Saturday and I can feel the serenity, the equanimity begin to shine through ra bliss! Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss! You just close your eyes today and there it is: The great arisings and the great flowings of ra bliss!

Ringu Tulku said it was easy to open the channels, but you have to be careful to do things in their right order, or there might be difficulties closing them again. Tsongkhapa says in The Book Of the Three Inspirations that if you haven't got a clear view of the red, white and blue channels .... well, you're going to hell, Jack. No, it's not me, Hotboy! I'm a spam robot. It's you! It's you! It's you!

Bugger it! This afternoon I'm going to give it the gun! Pedal to the floor! Set your controls for the heart of the sun!

Hopefully, this will take place in my hut. It will grow dark. I will set fire to a week's supply of newspapers and watch them burn. On this day of days, there is no more fortunate creature in this wonderful, beautiful city than moi!!

If you were to ask yourself, dear reader, why you cannot go like Hotboy into a cold, dingy allotment hut and have the time of your life .... lay off the flatheids, Hotboy! Some cats got it and some cats aint!


Anonymous said...

I say!

What a busy Saturday you had: got up, drank the leftovers from the previosu evening, read the newspapers. No wonder you needed a snooze.


rob said...

You're fortunate to be off the cigarettes again. You're a librarian - next time you feel the urge for a fag, borrow Franzen's "How To Be Alone", and read the story called Sifting The Ashes.

Hotboy said...

Is this comment thing still not working? Hotboy

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Luckily you do not have folk like Brian Wilson in the bongo bongo. Would Dovikababes know how to cook a half chewed pig's face? Hotboy
Albert?: I can't believe I'm getting addicted to tobacco again. It's unbelievable! Hotboy

rob said...

Is it like a second childhood? Next thing you'll be rediscovering your willie.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't sit in the cold if I can avoid it. But it sounds like a grand thing to do.

I went out in my kayak yesterday and blissed out on the quiet water. It was grand.

Hotboy said...

Albert? It's joints, not fags. But it's my own stupid fault of course. Hotboy
Marie-Rex: This kayak thing sounds great. If I felt cold in the hut, I'd have trouble sitting there. I usually feel cold when I get up to leave and walk home. Hotboy

onan the bavarian said...

Doctor Rob says feeling cold sometimes is natural, and good stimulation for the thyroid. Probably some of the diseases of civilisation are due to the absence of any natural challenge to the body. Sauna with intermittent cold showers probably works the same way. You're already past your expected lifespan, if you keep sitting in the cold hut you're going to life for decades. Assuming the baccy doesn't get you.

Hotboy said...

Onan! That's actually quite interesting! Hotboy

rob said...

He's a wise man, isn't he?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Who can tell who's a man and who isn't these days? Hotboy

rob said...

I think you're referring to reverse botox feminisation.