Tuesday 27 November 2007

Rem Quantum Sums!

So there was a teevee show on last night featuring Hugh Everett's son. Mr Everett seems to be the boy who posited the idea of parallel universes, or the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics.

You don't know bugger all about this, Hotboy. I know, Jack. If I knew anything about sums, I wouldn't be two grand in debt, but what the hell? Here's how it seemed to go.

There's a particle wave duality. Subatomic particles seem to exist as waves and particles at the same time. BUT if you look for particles, you find particles. If you look for waves, you find waves. Niels Bohr has the Copenhagen Interpretation which seems to be that the "fact that a human being had observed some event changed the reality of the event."

Let's let that one sink in, Jack. That's a beauty! Has this strayed into the area of consciousness? Consciousness is awareness of something surely.

Then along comes Schrodinger's Cat. The pussy is in a box and it's life depends on the behaviour of a sub-atomic particle. Unless you look in the box, the cat is alive and dead at the same time. Maybe it's half alive and half dead at the same time. Brilliantly absurd. This is a contadiction it is hard to live with. So you've got to sort that one out somehow. Or else there seems to be some kind of border or barrier where this quantum stuff operates and the classical physics stuff doesn't. Along comes Hugh Everett.

He posits the many worlds interpretation of quantum physics which seems to imply parallel universes where every story has a plot. It's harder for me to get this ... maybe the cat's alive somewhere and dead somewhere else.

Maybe this deals with the absurdity of the quantumy world, but it's still sounds crazy and impossible, etc. Hmmm.

The boy in the programme kept saying, well, why can't human beings exist in two different places if atoms (he didn't say sub-atomic particles!), electrons and such like can exist in two different places.

Of course, there have been claims forever of Christian and Hindu saints being in two places at once. Also, isn't buddha nature supposed to be in everything, everywhere. I think someone said electrons can be everywhere and not just in two places at once. Maybe if you were to become a buddha you'd be able to kind of jump the quantum border or barrier. The answer to all this nonsense must lie somewhere in consciousness surely, or the level of consciousness you can attain. Do buddhas then embody the unified theory that answers the problems of the real life and sub-atomic dichotomy?

Probably not, but there you go. Stuff like this just nips my heid!!


Anonymous said...

I say!

I thought that Mr Everett was a Radio One DJ.


Anonymous said...

Mingin'! Naw! Mt Everett is in the Pyrenees! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

That kind of math gives me headaches. It is an interesting complicated idea.

I've occasionally thought about putting my cats in a box, sealing it with packing tape and post it to the good professor. But then I stop being mad with them.

I find the idea of being just here hard enough. This melts my brain. Which is pretty much a puddle right now anyway.

Oh good news. I now have a fence to keep the sheeps out of my garden. I will have flowers in the spring.

Hotboy said...

Marie Rex: I don't even go near the maths! The ideas in the quantum stuff are very interesting. I think in the tradition I'm following you're supposed to be here and not here at the same time. Or empty of existence in the manner of appearance. Or you're not what you think you are and it's not happening to you the way you think it's happening to you. Stick a bit of the quantum stuff on top of that and anybody's mind's a puddle.
I do hope you get flowers in the spring. Seems quite a way away right now. Hope your fence doesn't get blown down by the gales!! Hotboy

rob said...

Fortunate are the Flatheids, for they shall not need to bother will all this conjecturing.

Hotboy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hotboy said...

Albert? Is it you? Fortunate indeed are the flatheids! With all the sweetie eating, and with their heads jammed up their bums, what more can a body ask for? Well, living in a totally ridiculous and absurd view of reality is fine for them with the flat heids because the sweetie sucking morons will be alright until the grief, sorrow, lamentations check in, but by then there will be no escape. It's flatheid to pondlife, or just gagadom. There's really no point in wasting time with flatheid dialogues because they are too dumb to meditate and will never understand anything, far less be able to surf the oceans of bliss. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss! This won't help. The neurotic and idiotic evil bourgeois are so beyond it, have so lost ... well, with your head stuck up your arse ... we're not expecting much. There is no help for flatheids. Which is a shame. You should know better. But you don't. The screaming and bawling won't be any use when you haven't even achieved hut management. Dearie me! I might as well go and blow my own brains out! Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

I hope your time off is great Hotboy!
Have some fun for me.
Lee Ann

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Went to the pub last night to watch the footie! We won with the last kick of the ball. That's as much fun as I can take! Hotboy

Hotboy said...

All: I wrote one of those comments in an alcoholic haze. Can you guess which one? Hotboy