Saturday 10 November 2007

Ranother Saturday Night!

Saturday 6:40 p.m.
The Domestic Bliss is away this weekend. After Brian Wilson has resurrected himself from the couch this morning and set off back to his castle in Portobello, there was a bottle of Budvar and two glasses left in a bottle of Plonko Collapso. There was also three fags left from the ten I'd bought to roll joints, now that I'm a nicotine addict again. So I started the day with a couple of glasses of wine, a bottle of Budvar, and a couple of joints. What a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am! Then I read the paper and had a wee snooze.

I think I might have been overdoing the self-mortification and asceticism lately.

So I didn't start meditating today till half four. What amazing amounts of ra bliss! How stunning it was! While I was engaging with this degenerate age, it seems to have continued with developments regardless. It just amazed me again. How could there be so much bliss? No wonder you can't get these yogi joes out of their caves! I mean, I can't even do this juju!


ion said...

I couldn't possibly speculate about units consumed and their inflections- I expect such choices are quite personal and also contingent on circumstances. But that might be speaking personally, from a nearly teetotaller standpoint.

Hotboy said...

Ion: As someone almost totally teetotal myself, I was amazed to see twelve empty beer bottles and two empty wine bottles at the end of this fray. I don't think I was drinking wine. A bottle and and a half of that stuff a week and you're a goner. Hotboy.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Abdul was setting the fire this morning at 5am, as he does six times a week - this heats our hot water boiler. He had some sort of problem with yesterday's ashes and some water that got spilt on it. The result was black footsteps on our path at the back.

When I pointed this out to Doviko, he said "That's Abdul's carbon footprint."

I thought this was rather clever.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Oh, aye! Very good! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

No wonder we're discouraged, when you write "I can't even do this juju" - if you can't, what hope is there for us flatheids?

Let's start with something easier - can you advise how to get one's own DB to go away for a weekend?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is it you? You don't meditate so don't expect anything other than grief, sorrow, lamentations ... suffering in this life. But if you want your DB to go away for a weekend, try giving her some money. This might help. Hotboy p.s. When I can actually do some of this juju, I expect it will be quite nice!