Sunday 28 October 2007

Ra MahamudraToo!

Sunday 10:20 p.m.
In the mahamudra two posts ago, I was looking for the self, I think.

Suffering is caused by desire based on ignorance of your own true self.

The boy says if you have a false sense of self, when you get hit by the arrow, you get hit twice. The pain is the pain. Then there's the pain of trying to protect something that doesn't exist.

The first turning of the wheel of the juju denies the existence of the self in ... the self. There is no inherently existing self. Everything changes. Look for this in the skandas and it is very obviously true and rational though difficult as hell to realise.

The second turning of the wheel of the juju is ... about what seems to be outside the self... where is the chariot?

Is this a chariot I see before me? Well, where is the chariot in the damn chariot? Can you put your hand on the chariot? That's a wheel. That's a spoke. So where is the chariot in the chariot?

The chariot does not exist in the chariot. The chariot exists in your mind. It is a compounded thing. It is made up. Say you were a snake slithering past the chariot. Is it a chariot to you? No! A snake can see in hot and cold maybe. It's got infra red vision. You can eat hot things, so that's useful for a snake. But for the snakes there's bugger all chariot there. The chariot is there for us only as a name and function. It's called a chariot. You can ride on it and throw spears.

What else can you say about the chariot? It's kind of made up by you to have a name and a function. It has uses. Also, there is almost nothing there. We know this because that's what the scientists have told us. Neutrinos, or wee tottie things, fly straight through the chariot because in its atomic structures it is mainly space. Atoms and molecules, or whatever, are mainly empty space.

At a quantumy level ... well, I know bugger all about that, but ... it seems to be a chaotic whizzing around of almost bugger all... dualism per se!

Is there anything out there, Hotboy? Yes, Jack, there is something out there, but you can't really put your finger on it and say what it is exactly. It's kind of there, but lacking proper definition.

I think me and the chariot should arise simultaneously. Mind precedes experience. Does the computery thing come first, or does your mind come first. Your mind has to come first. Just getting down to mind and arising simultaneously is maybe the hard bit.

So, you've got to get out of your mind. Oh, I would not feel so all alone. Everybody must get stoned!


Lee Ann said...

Oh, I know a song that goes "....everybody must get stoned".

Have a great week Hotboy!
Lee Ann

Anonymous said...

Now you're playing my song. Saw this documentary yesterday about people whose self-image is seriously out of whack with what they call reality. It turns out that all this time I've been suffering from BDD, when I thought it was just normal Bavarianism. I think I could really stand to benefit from some blissheidism, if only I wasn't on the pills.

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann: Yes, it's Bob Dylan of course. Keith Richards put it on the record player when the Stones were getting bust in the 60s! Got to admire that. Hotboy
Albert? Have you transmogrified into Onan The Bavarian again? Anyway, what's BDD? Hotboy p.s. I must have that disease as well! Nobody sees me as a blue joe with a topknot. Dearie me!