Sunday 30 September 2007

Ra Flow to go with!

Sunday 3:50 p.m.
Jennifer McCartney, who wrote Afloat, left a message on the last post. This is just to show you spam robots, Masai Warriors and Alien Creatutes from Outer Space that it's not just yous and bunch of perverts looking for hotboys who visit this bloggie. Real people come here too! Anyway, yous should go and read Afloat. If I managed to read it all the way through, it must be worth reading!

I was on the blower with the agent of great taste and perspicacity, Mr Arian Weston, on Friday. He thinks somebody is going to publish my new book. They've had good reports from readers and they've only one reader to wait for. It would be an amazement if that book got published. But one must no raise one's hopes. Certainly not. Speculation don't buy beer.

In the Amazing Bloggy Church of the BadBoyBlissheid, of course, we don't believe in things, especially thoughts, but if somebody would sent me a cheque ...well...

There seems to have been slight turnaround in fortune. About July, we was going nowhere with no book deal in sight, no chequies, no nothing. Now we're going to moida da bums! My agent has decided to have a closer look at the books on my webpage so see if there's anything there we can work on to present to someone with a big fat chequebook. He read the kidsbook and thought the first couple of chapters were crap, but said the book was good after that. Whilst lying investigating the bathtime bliss, it came to how to sort this problem out completely. I'm going to be rich! Rich, I tell you! I think finding out that my auntie Ursula is the Commander in Chief of Little Brown might have made a wee bit of a difference. I'd definitely vote to make her clan chief she she'd give me some money!

If my new book gets published, everything comes back in play: the full on meditations (until levitating occurs!) in the hut; the hut manager; the sponsorship deal with Erdinger beer; the Australian Ladies Volleyball Team practising in the allotment outside ... the woiks! Also, like a Richard the Third in Godfather Two, I'll be able to practise looking around with half shut eyes and saying: My enemies have all been dealt with!

I've been meditating all afternoon in the lobby. Flatheids probably think that is a big waste of a Sunday afternoon, but of course these unfortunate creatures will never experience ra bliss, the rapture and the ecstasy of doing the vajrayana, the juju of jujus! Now, I think I'll go for a run!


Anonymous said...

I hope you get chequies in the mail. Well done. I've written 4 1/2 worthless bits of trash novels. NaNoWriMo is a good way to make yourself a total nutter in 30 days.

Come on out to Skye, the weather is grand.

Anastasia/Marie Rex

Hotboy said...

Marie: You could write could write novels in Skye during the winter since there might not be a lot else to do. Anyway, I'll believe the money when I see it. Shouldn't be much unfortunately! Hotboy

rob said...

How could anything that keeps one off the fags and piss be a waste of a Sunday afternoon? Keep blissing hotboy!

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? I see the pills are kicking in then. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Is Jennifer's book that one about being afloat in a life-raft for 278 days and having to survive by sucking on fish eyes? Or was that 'Adrift'?

I'm a bit confused by all of this, and also by having new kit.

If her book is about drifting on a log in shark-infested waters, then why does it have a picture of a bicycle on the cover? Did she drift on an inflatable bicycle in shark-infested waters off the Caribbean for a month or two? That's not what the (excellent) reviews of her book say.

Are you and her cyclists?


rob said...

Aye, they kicked in, with some help from the opening of the outdoor pool. A mile outdoors today without stopping, in hot sun. I was too stoked even to bother perving. Could life get any better?

Is the book a re-write of Life of Pi? You could do that too, a bliss version. (10%)

rob said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hotboy said...

Mingin' It's a book about the Loch Ness Monster who eats people and then leaves their bikes since they are not tasty. You should read it. There are sharks as well. They fight Nessie in the end. Hotboy
Albert? If they put a shark in the pool, would you go faster? Hotboy