Friday 14 September 2007

Ra God Slot!

Friday 10:24 p.m.
The previous post was posted on RaBlissBlog. So I copied it and pasted it. I miss the last blog. Better name for one thing! I'll go back to it when the coast is clear.

"All you can say about God is not true." Meister Eckhart. The wall.

So what's all this about God then, Hotboy? I thought we didn't believe in any things, especially thoughts. Well, Jack, if I'm trying to re-write a book where the joe is basically searching for God, it would be handy to have a view.

If God's ineffable, beyond concepts, etc., there might be no point in going on about it. He/She/It certainly didn't speak Scottish so there's maybe not much you can do there with words really.

I don't think Buddhism talks about God at all. Talks about mind though, and consciousness. I reckon the buddha was with Eckhart on this one. So what is "clear light mind" and what is buddha nature? Everything has a buddha nature. Mind is like space except with the capacity to know. Hmmm? Maybe it is aware. Maybe it is just aware of being aware without having anything really to be aware of.

I could do with some help here, Jack! A bit of a debate. What do the Masai Warriors and the Creatures from Outer Space think of this god stuff?

There aren't any good descriptors for God or mind. They share this in common. The Big Mind has no characteristics ....

Sorry, we're no doing God In Heaven here, with the cherabim and the glorified bodies wandering around the place feeling fabuloso. I'm not saying it's not there. I'm not saying it is there. At least, it's there as an idea. I will get back to God In Heaven sometime.

This is god without the beard and the nightdress.

The difference between the buddha's Mind and God might be that the buddhists don't have God as a creator. Well, they don't have god at all. There's nobody waiting to punish you for fiddling around with your naughty bits.

However, it might be that Patanjali did the yoga sutras as a reaction to buddhism, in that he thought it was possible to experience God. I think I read this somewhere. One hopes that these joes are basically talking about the same thing, but using different words. Shiva reminded me that Patanjali thought the individual soul and God were separate. I might have heard that yoga was basically dualistic in this regard. I hope this is not true. Does anyone know about this?

So say Patanjali thought you could experience God by doing his eight limbs of yoga.

The one I've had difficulty with is pratyhara, withdrawal of the senses.

I think ecstasy may be necessary as a descriptor here because in this state ra bliss might have blown your arms and legs off, and you don't have a sense of a body anymore. Is that what withdrawal of the senses means? But it didn't seem as if anything was being withdrawn, more like blown out. Or puffed out.

There's something called dhyanas. These might be linked to stages in meditational advancements. This is back to stilling the mind and concentration. But it's not really concentration with the knitted brows, etc.

Anyway, the joe or josephine is sitting in the cave and what they're doing is unpeeling the onion. You get ra bliss. You get ra ecstasy. You've lost your arms and legs. You might have moved ... beyond meaningful concepts.

I have to say something about Original Sin here. The more you peel the onion, the more of ra bliss you experience (at least, so far). If you were going towards God, god is beneficent. Ra bliss is ra bliss is ra bliss. You want to blame god because you are too dumb to meditate? You're just a lazy stupid basturn if you don't meditate. It looks to me that you don't need a saviour. What you need is good kick up the arse!

Back to the cave. You're going down, down, down and the concepts, the combinations making up thoughts become less frequent. You stop breathing. You are in ecstasy. Is this knowing God?

I would have to say this is more like knowing what you are. This isn't God. This is us. We can do this. It has been done.

So far, I imagine that this god being ineffable stuff is from joes and josephines who've done ra bliss until they had probably transcended ra bliss. Anyway, you cannot describe even the creepy uppy thing to flatheids; the envelope, the thing that expands ... so how could you describe ra ecstasy when they cannot even imagine ra bliss?

The next post may be about absolutes, things that don't change. Is God an absolute? We'll have to get down and dirty with thoughts here. About god and absolutes and things that don't change, mental objects .. and what could possibly be not a mental object? If it doesn't exist in your mind, where could it exist?


rob said...

What the world needs now is more stuff about god.

If you're doing a rewrite anyway, just make the joe search for the dog. If it was a Scotty dog it could speak Scots.

I had a curious exPerience this weekend, attending an NLP intensive course. There's about 1000 of you in the audience all going through the workbook and reprogramming where you want your life to go. Anyway, I came to the realisation that I would need to start meditating to improve my life. Why didn't you tell me?

No offence, but I may stop writing this, shut down the machine and go and grab a few breaths.

Then again, there's an episode of Peep Show followed by one of Spaced. Maybe I'll do the breathing then watch the TV as a reward. Either way, it's goodnight from down here where we don't know how lucky we are not to have a run on our banks.

rob said...

PS I'll catch up on your other recent emanations as I get time, though it's never the same when the conversations have already been and gone and moved on.

Anonymous said...

I say!

What an excellent idea to become green, and recycle posts. One can hardly tell.


ion said...

Thoughts of god are confusing. I was working my way through a hellish work week when god came up again. Operating in parallel realities, 90% of the time god never comes into it and when you die it's over. 9.99% of the time you want to hedge your bets and let god sneak into your life. 0.1% of the time god takes you over, since you are it and it is you.

After 20 hrs of active duty my back was killing me, and when alone I was doing yoga stretches, careful breathing and trying to think of nothing. It really helped!

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is it you? The joe searching for the Scotty dog isn't a bad idea. What's an NLP intensive course? Anyway, don't start meditating as it'll get you into all kinds of trouble. Just give me 10% off the top and I'll do yours for you. This is the William The Conqueror's solution: build lots of monasteries and get the monks to do the praying for you. It's bound to work though you won't know till you're dead. Hotboy
Mingin'! You can tell if you're green. You're bound to be able to. I'll paint myself green if you go first. Hotboy
Ion: "20 hours of active duty"? That's far too much. You will get paid of course. I'm never at my work, but I've got no money either. Anyway, it's hard to disbelieve in something you can't say anything about, that is beyond language and conceptualisation. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

What a load of old photons!

Anonymous said...

Over at ionetics, you can get ra bliss just by working all day then all night. Have you ever tried that?

albert arbeiter

Hotboy said...

Albert? All my life I've been workshy. Thank God for that! Hotboy