Friday 29 June 2007

Ra New Beginnings!

Hello Bloggies!
This is the new bloggy for the Amazing Bloggy Church of the Bad Boy Blissheid!

We embrace our Ignorance
We don't believe in any things
Especially thoughts!

I'll dedicate the merit of one hour's meditations to the first joe or josephine to leave a comment. The HotboyMadyamika is back in business!!


ion said...

That's me then! Why the fung did you leave a comment on your old blog leading to this one? I despair.

Lee Ann said...

I wanted the dedication!!!
So, are you bad boy or Hotboy????
(or both)

Hotboy said...

Ion: Like a flash it came to me. But I cannot get the bloody name off. I'll delete the whole post maybe. BadBoy

Hotboy said...

Sorted! Everything is now okay. I'll save and delete tomorrow. Thanks for your help, Ion. Hotboy

ion said...

As the car mechanic at Achiltibuie told me when the car broke down, "a' thing're fixable".

As for my hour's meditation, please may I have enhancement of the Big Wan's maths understanding? He starts at the tutor on Tues. We particularly need comprehension and memory of the formulae for the area and circumference of a circle, working simultaneous equations and algebraic transformations and simple trig. Thanks in advance.

Hotboy said...

IOn: I was meditating at dawn today(Saturday) and for a few hours before noon. I would not have been chilled out sufficiently to do this without your help yesterday. That would have been about four hours. You got the lot! Tell the Big Wan ra bliss is with him! Hotboy

ion said...

I would like to donate my hour's meditation to Lee Ann since I've already have several hours.

Hotboy said...

Ion: Okay! I'll do an hour in the late morning tomorrow for Lee Ann. It's a very blissy one that! Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

Ion, thank you, that is so nice of you.
Hotboy, I truly appreciate the dedication!